
題: Re: 有代理服務器時,如何進行語音和視頻傳輸? 附件: 無 
發件人: "Steven" <lishengning@citiz.net> 發送: 10/25/2002 8:46:30 PM 

每個MSN Messenger用戶一次最多可以傳輸10個文件。如果只開啟Port6891,用戶一次就只能傳輸一個文件。開啟UDP連接5004

另外,也可以安裝其他視音頻通訊功能,然後使用MSN Messenger來執行,例如微軟的
較少,使用簡單,可以單獨使用也可在MSN Messeger中執行,可以通過對方的IP地址或
MSN Messeger聯繫人的電子郵箱呼叫用戶。該軟體需要DirectX8.0支持和MSN

Microsoft Portrait is a research prototype for mobile video communication. It supports .NET Messenger Service, Session Initiation Protocol 
and Internet Locator Service on PCs, Pocket PCs and Handheld PCs. It runs on local area networks, dialup networks and even wireless 
networks with bandwidths as low as 9.6 kilobits/second. Microsoft Portrait delivers portrait-like video if users are in low bandwidths and 
displays full-color video if users are in broadband. In low bandwidths, portrait video possesses clearer shape, smoother motion, shorter latency 
and much cheaper computational cost than do conventional video technologies. Microsoft Portrait provides presence notification, 
chat/voice/video functions almost anytime, anywhere, on any device.

* You can place a call either from the buddy list of Microsoft Portrait or from the Action menu of MSN Messenger after you install Microsoft 

* You can also browse in an ILS server and select a people to call. In order to faciliate Microsoft Portrait users to find each other, we 
recommend to use ILS server: hello.connectedpc.com together.

* Even if your buddy has not installed Microsoft Portrait, you can still invite him/her from the buddy list of Microsoft Portrait so that he/she 
can receive a message in an MSN Messenger window, which shows him/her you are inviting him/her and where to download Microsoft 
Portrait. After your buddy installs Microsoft Portrait, he/she can accept your call.

* If you do not have a camera, you can still see others who do send video, or talk with others in robust voice working at bandwidth as low as 
2.4 Kbps.

* You can use any of your PCs, Pocket PCs or Handheld PCs to call.

* You can place a call even behind a firewall.

* If you are a modem dialup user, now you can also conveniently see and talk with others.

* Please adjust the slide of the "Video" button to achieve better visual quality if you select to use black/white video.

* If you have a PC with a camera and a Pocket PC, you can use them to constitute a surveillance system. You can call your PC in your home 
or office using your Pocket PC anytime on the road.

Please send your feedback or bug reports to portrait@microsoft.com